This is awesome! I do not need to waste my money to go and buy some photo editing software that going to cost me a fortune. With The Bubblenator I can, edit my photos online and add in cartoon captions just like any other photo editing software!
What I need to do is only upload my photos or just take any picture and photo from the internet, and get the url. Next, run over to and paste the url of the desire photo into a specific location and wait for the system to run it. It will load your photo and you can key in your caption into the photo. It is so easy and fun as it's doesn't need the user to have any skill of editing photos but still can personalized their photos with speech bubbles wherever you want them. A photo can place up to three bubble at the same time and sizes can be amend to fit your choice.
After you are alright with the simple editing, just hit they green colour "get code" button and The Bubblenator will provide you with the HTML code where you can place your captioned image on your website, myspace page, Friendster, your own blog or anywhere that you like!
Simple and yet fun!I have tried with my photos and its your turn! Show me your photos!
What I need to do is only upload my photos or just take any picture and photo from the internet, and get the url. Next, run over to and paste the url of the desire photo into a specific location and wait for the system to run it. It will load your photo and you can key in your caption into the photo. It is so easy and fun as it's doesn't need the user to have any skill of editing photos but still can personalized their photos with speech bubbles wherever you want them. A photo can place up to three bubble at the same time and sizes can be amend to fit your choice.
After you are alright with the simple editing, just hit they green colour "get code" button and The Bubblenator will provide you with the HTML code where you can place your captioned image on your website, myspace page, Friendster, your own blog or anywhere that you like!
Simple and yet fun!I have tried with my photos and its your turn! Show me your photos!

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