Friday, March 2, 2012

Dog Mange

Dog Mange is a highly contagious skin condition caused by an infestation of mites. These mites burrow beneath a dog’s skin, primarily in the hair follicles. Mange can affect domestic animals, wild animals and sometimes even humans. There are many different types of dog mange, and depending on the severity, sometimes dog mange can lead to serious illness or even death.

The word ‘dog mange’ actually comes from the French word ‘mangier’, which means ‘to eat’. This is exactly what these mites do. Mites from dog mange cause skin lesions, severe itching and bald patches all over the fur. It is important to understand how your dog may have contracted mange, as well as look out for symptoms of each type of dog mange.

Types Of Dog Mange

Demodectic Mange

This is the most common type of dog mange. Demodectic mange may occur when a dog has an underdeveloped or weak immune system. Mites may produce more rapidly if the dog is under stress or is malnourished. The symptoms of demodectic dog mange worsen depend on the condition of the immune system and the amount of mites on the skin. Demodectic dog mange symptoms include hair loss and itching, and is usually on various areas of the dog.

Sarcoptic Scabies

Scabies is another term to describe mange. This form of dog mange causes dogs to itch and scratch themselves to the point of self injury. Sarcoptic mange can lead to red bumps on the skin surrounded by crust, which eventually causes the skin to become thick. Other symptoms of sarcoptic dog mange include swollen lymph nodes, weight loss and lethargy.

Ododectic Mange

This form of dog mange is found on the head and in and around the ears. Redness and itching along with constant head shaking are the most common symptoms of ododectic dog mange. These ear mites are often mistaken for ear infections.


Symptoms are most noticeable on the back and include red, hairless patchy areas on the skin. Excessive itching will likely cause flaking of the skin. Treatment of Cheyletiellosis dog mange usually depends on the overall hygiene of the affected dog.

Treatment For Dog Mange

If you suspect your dog may have contracted mange, it is very important to contact your veterinarian immediately to begin a treatment plan for your dog’s case of mange. Treating dog mange can be a tricky task, as missing one small dosage of medication may lead to a re-infestation very quickly.

It is also important to treat any other animal that has come into contact with an infected dog, even if no symptoms of mange are present. Regular house cleaning and grooming can help control serious dog mange infestations. Be sure to check your dog’s skin and fur regularly if he frequents dog parks, kennels, or is an outdoor dog.

For more information about dog mange, symptoms, home remedies, treatment options and more, visit

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