Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I am so sleepy right now that i can just drop dead on my lappy and off me go to dreamland but i need to finish my work.. I need to ammend this stupid! pathetic !plan whereby is given by my contractor in which they supposingly to do it nicely then only forward to us ler...how to use the plan if, me myself look at it, my eyes already go hi-way .. how to show to the clients??

Show to them , and they will go either this ----------->


like this ------------>

ai... i think i should stop blogging and finish with the plan fast so that i can jump on to my bed ...i really need my nice sweet dream...


Anonymous said...

ooOOOoo new layout! Chiak Chiak!

babyfiona said...

YEAH, the old one not so nice.. creating a new one rite now and using this for temporary until i got the time to create my own..hahaha