Monday, November 19, 2007


I already have 2 blog currently and still thinking of creating another Blog to play around. I started to blog since Dec 2006 and its going to be the first year anniversary for me next month. I experienced the joy of blogging, the joy of earning while doing the thing I like, the joy of making friends in the blogging world, the joy of blog hopping and stalking (of course I stalk other people blog) and the joy of commenting and checking of other people life. It is actually very interesting to check out on other people life through their pen (keyword in this case) and imagine how was their life going on, their daily routine and even how they actually live throughout the whole day and compare it with mine.

As I mentioned, I have 2 blogs at the moment, one would be this which is a free blog under blogger and and another one my primary baby which is my own domain but at the moment encounter some problem and well, as I need a place to rant, I think I would go for instead.

At you could create a free personal online journal and share your thoughts with the community by making blog posts, upload your photos, video or even podcasts. What I like best is their user rating system whereby all the members can actually rate each others post and provide feedback in the comments area.

When you log on to their site, the first thing attracts me is their layout which actually user friendly and easy to maneuver. I can see on the left side, there is a column to broadcast members latest blog post and by this way, it will help the member to get more visitors. Members can also take part in the community forum and at the same time, make friend through blogging.

I am going to register now hopefully I can see more of you will join me as well.


curryegg said... looks like interesting. Thank for sharing this.. And you've 2 blogs? COol! so which one is the one that you blog the most?

babyfiona said...

curryegg-yeah I got 2, but very unfortune, my main blog is down due to some problem. So I just maintain this at the moment. Until the main blog is up, then I will use that as the main :D