Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When Things Goes Wrong

Nobody know what will happen tomorrow. Like what happen to my parent, all this while, the shop lot that was handed down to them by my grand parent for like 20 years had been providing us with rental. But now is the pay back time. We received a notice from the Pejabat Tanah Galian to pay them an amount of RM 40,000 for the cukai Tanah and this amount need to paid up before a stipulated time in August. We tried to get them to lower down the amount but we have no luck with that..sigh!

Luckily that the term life insurance that my parent bought when they get married 35 years ago will be maturing in this coming August! And this will help to pay for the amount mentioned by the Pejabat Tanah dan Galian or else I really do not know what to do to get this amount to pay up to the g0vernment! That is why, we should be prepared and get ourself some insurance policy to cover up or back up for everything such as education fund, life insurance, house insurance or what so ever that might help you in the future. I myself also investing in some investment insurance and at the same time, I have a medical card which also help to ease my burden when I deliver Little-D soon as with the medical card, I will be getting discounted price for the room.

1 comment:

bokjae said...

Yeah, when life throws a curve ball to you, we need to compose ourselves to explore our options! Sorry to hear about this!